Lower Seymour Campground on Wisdom

Story about Cooperation

Once upon a time, in a dense and vibrant forest, there stood a wise old tree. This tree was ancient, with its branches reaching towards the heavens and its roots delving deep into the earth, connecting with the wisdom of ages past. The tree was renowned throughout the forest for its wisdom and benevolence, often serving as a source of guidance and comfort for the creatures that lived around it.

One day, a dispute arose among the tree’s branches and roots. The young branches, proud of their growth and their ability to reach out towards the sun, claimed they were the most important part of the tree. “Without us,” they argued, “the tree would have no way to capture the sunlight and grow tall.”

The roots, however, were equally adamant in their importance. “We are the ones who anchor the tree,” they retorted. “We provide the essential nutrients and stability. Without us, the tree would not stand tall or healthy.”

This argument continued for days, creating a rift within the tree. The wise old tree observed silently, reflecting on the discord among its parts. Finally, deciding it was time to impart some wisdom, the tree called a meeting of its branches and roots.

“Listen carefully,” the tree began, its voice resonating with ancient wisdom. “Your argument reminds me of the teachings found in our sacred texts. In the Rigveda, it is said, ‘Samaani va aakootihi samaanaa hridayaani vaham’—’Let your aims be common and your hearts of one accord.’ Unity is the foundation of strength and prosperity.”

The branches and roots fell silent, paying heed to the tree’s words.

“In the Upanishads,” the tree continued, “we learn about the interconnectedness of all life. The Chandogya Upanishad speaks of the concept of ‘Tat Tvam Asi’—’Thou art that,’ emphasizing the oneness of existence. Just as every part of this tree is interconnected and essential, so too are we all interconnected in this forest and in life.”

The branches swayed gently, absorbing the tree’s wisdom. The roots, too, felt a deep resonance with these ancient teachings.

“Manusmriti, our ancient legal text, reminds us of the importance of dharma, or righteous conduct,” the tree said. “Manu states, ‘Dharmo rakshati rakshitah’—’Dharma protects those who uphold it.’ By upholding the dharma of unity and cooperation, we protect ourselves and each other.”

Reflecting on these teachings, the branches and roots began to understand the futility of their argument.

“Chanakya, the great teacher, once said, ‘United we stand, divided we fall.’ His wisdom in Arthashastra teaches us the importance of collective effort for the prosperity of the whole.”

The branches and roots, enlightened by these teachings, looked at each other with newfound respect.

“Swami Vivekananda, the modern sage, emphasized the power of unity and service. He said, ‘We are all one, and if you don’t help your brother, who will? He who sees Shiva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Shiva.’ By serving and supporting each other, we truly honor the divine within.”

With these profound insights, the branches and roots realized their interdependence. The branches understood that they needed the stability and nourishment provided by the roots. The roots recognized that the branches were vital for capturing sunlight and sustaining the tree’s growth.

From that day forward, the tree’s branches and roots worked together in perfect harmony. The branches reached out towards the sky, absorbing the sun’s rays and providing shelter for the forest creatures. The roots delved deep into the earth, gathering nutrients and ensuring the tree’s stability.

The wise old tree was pleased to see its parts working together in unity and cooperation. The forest flourished under its guidance. Birds sang joyfully in the branches, animals roamed freely under the sheltering canopy, and the tree’s branches and roots continued their symbiotic relationship.

pexels photo 1534057 The Wise Tree: A Story of Unity and Cooperation
Photo by James Wheeler on Pexels.com

The Teachings of the Tree

The tree’s wisdom did not stop at resolving the conflict between its branches and roots. It continued to share lessons drawn from ancient texts with the forest creatures who often gathered around it for guidance.

The Rigveda: Unity in Purpose

The Rigveda, one of the oldest and most revered texts, emphasizes the importance of unity. It teaches that collective effort and shared goals lead to success. The tree often recited a verse from the Rigveda: “Samaani va aakootihi samaanaa hridayaani vaham”—”Let your aims be common and your hearts of one accord.” This verse inspired the forest creatures to work together towards common objectives, understanding that unity was the key to their survival and prosperity.

The Upanishads: The Oneness of Existence

The Upanishads, philosophical texts that explore the nature of reality and the self, teach that all life is interconnected. The tree explained the concept of “Tat Tvam Asi”—”Thou art that,” from the Chandogya Upanishad. This teaching helped the forest creatures see themselves as part of a larger whole, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and mutual respect. By recognizing their oneness with the forest and each other, they learned to live in harmony.

Manusmriti: Upholding Dharma

Manusmriti, an ancient legal and ethical text, emphasizes the importance of dharma, or righteous conduct. The tree often quoted Manu: “Dharmo rakshati rakshitah”—”Dharma protects those who uphold it.” This teaching underscored the importance of ethical behavior and mutual support. The forest creatures realized that by upholding their individual and collective dharma, they could create a harmonious and thriving community.

Chanakya’s Arthashastra: Collective Prosperity

Chanakya, a revered teacher and advisor, authored the Arthashastra, a treatise on governance and economics. The tree shared Chanakya’s wisdom: “United we stand, divided we fall.” This principle of collective effort and mutual support resonated deeply with the forest creatures. They understood that by working together, they could achieve greater prosperity and overcome challenges more effectively.

Swami Vivekananda: Service and Compassion

Swami Vivekananda, a modern spiritual leader, emphasized the importance of unity and service. The tree often recited Vivekananda’s words: “We are all one, and if you don’t help your brother, who will? He who sees Shiva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Shiva.” This teaching inspired the forest creatures to help and support one another, fostering a spirit of compassion and community service.

The Impact of the Tree’s Wisdom

The tree’s teachings had a profound impact on the forest. The creatures began to see themselves as part of a larger whole, working together to ensure the well-being of their community. The birds built their nests in the tree’s branches, confident in the stability provided by the roots. The animals sought shelter under the tree’s canopy, knowing they were protected by the harmonious efforts of the tree’s parts.

The tree’s wisdom also spread beyond the forest. Travelers who passed through the forest were often captivated by the harmonious environment and sought the tree’s guidance. The tree shared its teachings with them, encouraging them to take these lessons of unity and cooperation back to their own communities.

anonymous designers discussing details of project,Cooperation
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com
The Legacy of the Wise Tree

The wise old tree’s legacy lived on long after its time. Its teachings were passed down through generations, becoming an integral part of the forest’s culture. The branches and roots continued to work together in harmony, embodying the principles of unity and cooperation.

The forest flourished, becoming a symbol of collective effort and mutual support. The tree’s teachings inspired not only the forest creatures but also the humans who learned of its wisdom. Communities adopted the principles of unity, ethical behavior, and service, creating harmonious and thriving societies.

In this way, the wise old tree’s teachings continued to influence and guide countless beings, reminding them of the timeless wisdom found in the Vedas, Upanishads, Manusmriti, Chanakya’s Arthashastra, and Swami Vivekananda’s teachings.


The story of the wise old tree serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of unity and cooperation. Just as the tree’s branches and roots learned to work together, we too must recognize our interdependence and support one another. By drawing on the wisdom of ancient texts and modern sages, we can create harmonious and prosperous communities.

Unity and cooperation are essential for success and survival. Each of us has a unique role to play in the world, and by working together, we can achieve greatness. The teachings of the Vedas, Upanishads, Manusmriti, Chanakya, and Vivekananda remind us that we are all interconnected. In unity, we find strength, and in cooperation, we achieve prosperity.

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