Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a young sparrow named Chirpy. Chirpy was a happy-go-lucky bird who loved to sing and play with her friends. One day, while playing with her friends, she saw a group of ants struggling to carry a heavy load of food.
Chirpy was curious and asked the ants why they were working so hard. The ants replied, “We are storing food for the winter season, so we can survive the harsh cold days ahead.”
Chirpy was impressed by their hard work and dedication towards their duty. She started thinking about her own duty and purpose in life. She realized that she had been living a carefree life without any real purpose.
One day, while flying high up in the sky, Chirpy saw a hunter setting up traps to catch birds. She was scared and didn’t know what to do. She remembered the wise words of her grandmother, who had told her that every creature had a duty to fulfill in life.
Chirpy decided to seek the guidance of the wise old owl, Hooty. She flew to Hooty’s tree and asked for his help. Hooty was pleased to see the young sparrow’s eagerness to learn and decided to teach her about dharma and karma.
He explained that dharma was the duty and responsibility that every living being had towards themselves and the world around them. Karma, on the other hand, was the consequences of one’s actions and how they affected the balance of the universe.
Chirpy listened intently to Hooty’s wise words and realized that her duty was to spread joy and happiness through her songs. She also understood that it was her responsibility to help her fellow creatures in need.

One day, while flying through the forest, Chirpy saw a family of squirrels struggling to find food. She remembered the ants’ hard work and dedication and decided to help the squirrels. She started singing a cheerful song, and soon all the animals in the forest gathered around her.
Chirpy explained to them the importance of working hard and fulfilling their duties. She inspired them to help each other and work together towards a common goal. The animals were impressed by Chirpy’s words and started working together to gather food for the winter season.
As winter approached, Chirpy felt a sense of satisfaction and contentment knowing that she had fulfilled her duty towards her fellow creatures. She realized that by helping others, she had also helped herself.
In conclusion, Chirpy learned an important lesson about dharma and karma. She understood that every living being had a duty to fulfill in life, and the consequences of their actions would affect the balance of the universe. By fulfilling her duty and helping others, Chirpy had not only brought joy and happiness to those around her but had also achieved a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.
Bhagavad Gita: 2.7
pṛcchāmi tvāṁ dharma-sammūḍha-cetāḥ
yac chreyaḥ syān niścitaṁ brūhi tan me
śiṣyas te ’haṁ śādhi māṁ tvāṁ prapannam
kārpaṇya—miserly; doṣa—weakness; upahata—being inflicted by; svabhāvaḥ—characteristics; pṛcchāmi—I am asking; tvām—unto You; dharma—religion; saṁmūḍha—bewildered; cetāḥ—in heart; yat—what; śreyaḥ—all-good; syāt—may be; niścitam—confidently; brūhi—tell; tat—that; me—unto me; śiṣyaḥ—disciple; te—Your; aham—I am; śādhi—just instruct; mām—me; tvām—unto You; prapannam—surrendered.
Now I am confused about my duty and have lost all composure because of weakness. In this condition I am asking You to tell me clearly what is best for me. Now I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct me.
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