The meadow was once again a joyful place after that day, with the sounds of laughter and the wonderful scent of blossoming flowers all around.
The lesson of the story is that everyone has special talents and abilities, and we should recognise and value our differences with one another. We should cooperate and build on each other’s strengths rather than dwelling on our differences.
The horse was haughty and conceited. Because he was larger, stronger, and faster than the donkey, he thought he was superior to it. He believed that he was entitled to preferential treatment and a simpler life than the donkey.
On the other hand, the donkey was pleased and modest. He was appreciative of the task he had and avoided equating himself with the horse. He thought that each animal was unique, had unique strengths and limitations, and was significant in its own right.

The farmer who owned the animals had to deliver a large shipment of goods to the market one day. Because he thought the horse was the more powerful and quick animal, he chose to utilise it to pull the cart.
The horse happily drew the cart with ease as he revelled in the opportunity to display his might. But after some time, he felt worn out and wanted to rest. The horse, however, became enraged and resentful as a result of the farmer’s encouragement to continue moving forward.
The horse was battling, as could be seen by the donkey who was standing back. “Friend, I know you are strong and fast, but even the strongest and fastest animals need rest,” he said, approaching the horse. Avoid letting your pride interfere with your health.
The horse persisted in pulling the cart despite the donkey’s advise. But eventually he fainted from exhaustion. The farmer decided to utilise the donkey to deliver the remaining things to the market since he was frustrated and upset.
The donkey pushed the cart with ease because he was delighted to assist. The farmer was amazed by his hard work and dedication because he did not complain or voice any complaints.
The horse, who was on the sidelines observing, was humiliated and understood that it had been foolish of him to allow his ego to get in the way of his task. He expressed regret to the donkey and pledged to behave more graciously and humbly going forward.
The horse and the donkey started cooperating as a team after that day. They were considerate of one another’s assets and shortcomings and offered assistance when they could. They both discovered that each animal, despite their differences, had something to contribute and that true power came from teamwork and mutual support.
The lesson of the story is that we should always be grateful and modest for the work we have. We shouldn’t judge ourselves against others or let our ego stand in the way of our happiness. Instead, we should cooperate to accomplish our objectives while respecting and appreciating each other’s skills and flaws. This is how dharma and karma really work.
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