A dog by the name of Biscuit formerly lived in a little community nestled away in the hills. Happy-go-lucky Biscuit enjoyed to play, run and discover his surroundings. He came found a shiny object laying by the side of the road one day as he was exploring the village. It turned out to be a bottle, and Biscuit had never seen anything like it before.

Biscuit, being a naturally curious dog, put the bottle in his mouth and began to play with it. He was really thrilled as he ran around with it in his mouth and heard the delightful clinking sound it made. He heard a faint voice coming from inside the bottle as he was playing with it.

“Leave me alone! The voice begged, “Let me out!”

Biscuit was surprised. He had never before heard a voice emanate from a bottle. He set the bottle aside and gave it a curiosity-driven glance.

He questioned, “Who are you?”

The voice said, “I am a genie, imprisoned inside this bottle. “I’ll grant you three wishes if you let me out,” I said.

Biscuit was ecstatic. He was astonished by his good fortune because he had heard of genies who granted wishes. Once more picking up the bottle, he was ready to remove the cork when he recalled what his mother had said.

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He told the genie to wait a moment. “My mother taught in me the values of upholding the law and Dharma. What will happen to you if I uncork this bottle and release you? Will you be able to live your life without being confined once more, or will you?

The genie was surprised by Biscuit’s inquiry. He had never before encountered somebody who had considered his welfare. He remarked, “You are an intelligent dog. “If you set me free, I’ll be able to live my life freely, but my Karma will still hold me back. My acts will have repercussions, and I will have to pay back my debts. However, if you don’t release me, I’ll be imprisoned in this position forever, and you’ll never see the wonders that my power can create.

Biscuit pondered what the genie had said for a very long time. Although he was aware that doing what was right wasn’t always simple, he also understood that it was the appropriate course of action. He finally came to a choice.

He told the genie, “I won’t let you out of this bottle. “I may never experience the marvels that your magic can create, but I also realise that my choices have an impact, and I want to act morally.”

Biscuit’s choice startled the genie, but he was also happy with it. He remarked, “You are an intelligent dog. “Your actions will have an impact, but they’ll also help you build positive karma. Do nice deeds, and good things will come back to you because, as they say, “what goes around comes around.”

The bottle was left on the ground, abandoned, as the genie vanished at that moment. Biscuit sprinted off, satisfied and delighted. He was aware that he had made the right decision and that his deeds will result in positive Karma.From that moment on, Biscuit followed the Dharma in all aspects of his life. Even when it was difficult, he always made an effort to do what was right. He also discovered that his activities resulted in positive Karma. All the animals in the community respected and adored him, and he was aware that he had changed the world.

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