Once upon a time, in a lush forest, there was a beautiful flower garden. The garden was full of colorful flowers of various shapes and sizes, and it was the home of many birds, including a vibrant parrot named Pari.

Pari was a cheerful bird who loved to play around and fly from flower to flower. She was especially fond of the garden’s prettiest flower, a rare, exotic bloom with striking colors and a sweet fragrance. Pari would often perch on the flower’s stem and talk to it, admiring its beauty and the way it swayed in the gentle breeze.

One day, a group of hunters entered the forest with the intention of capturing some exotic birds. They had laid traps all around the garden, and Pari, unfortunately, fell for one of them. As she struggled to free herself from the trap, she saw the flower that she had admired so much come to life and speak to her.

“Dont worry, dear Pari, I will help you,” said the flower. “But first, you must promise to spread my seeds far and wide, so that my beauty can be enjoyed by all.”

Pari agreed, and the flower instructed her to fly to the other side of the forest and find a wise old owl who could help them. Pari followed the flower’s instructions and found the owl, who was known for his wisdom and knowledge of the forest.

The Parrot's Karma: A Tale of Dharma and Wisdom

The owl listened to Pari’s story and the flower’s request and suggested that they seek out a powerful king cobra, who could help them break the trap. The king cobra, who was known for his strength and intelligence, agreed to help and broke the trap with ease.

As Pari flew back to the flower garden, she spread the flower’s seeds as she promised. When she returned, she found that the flower had wilted and lost its vibrant colors. Saddened by the loss, Pari asked the flower why it had sacrificed its life to save hers.

“I did it out of love and compassion,” said the flower. “It is my dharma to spread my beauty and fragrance to all beings, and by helping you, I fulfilled my purpose. The karma of my actions will ensure that I am reborn, and my beauty will once again be enjoyed by all.”

Pari was moved by the flower’s selflessness and promised to spread its story far and wide, so that others could learn from its example. She spent the rest of her days flying from flower to flower, spreading the flower’s seeds and telling its story to all who would listen.

And so, the flower’s beauty and the parrot’s kindness lived on, a testament to the power of dharma and karma.

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