
Once upon a time, there was a lion who lived in a dense forest. He was the king of the jungle, and all the animals respected him and obeyed his commands. He was a wise and just ruler, who followed the principles of Dharma and karma. He believed that whatever action he performed, the common animals would follow in his footsteps. And whatever standards he set by exemplary acts, all the world would pursue.

One day, he decided to go for a hunt. He roamed around the forest, looking for a prey. He came across a herd of deer, grazing peacefully on the grass. He licked his lips and prepared to pounce on one of them. But before he could do so, he heard a loud roar from behind. He turned around and saw a tiger, who had also spotted the deer. The tiger was hungry and fierce, and he did not care about the lion’s authority. He challenged the lion to a fight, saying that he would take the deer for himself.

The lion was surprised and angry. He did not like the tiger’s arrogance and disrespect. He said to the tiger, “You are a foolish and greedy animal. You do not know the rules of the jungle. I am the king here, and I have the first right to hunt. You should respect me and follow my orders. If you do so, you will be rewarded with good karma. But if you disobey me and fight me, you will face the consequences of bad karma.”

The tiger laughed and said, “You are a coward and a liar. You do not deserve to be the king. You only use your power to oppress and exploit the other animals. You do not care about their welfare or happiness. You only care about your own selfish interests. You do not follow the principles of Dharma and karma. You only follow the principles of violence and fear. If you are so confident of your authority, why don’t you prove it to me? Let us fight and see who is the stronger and better animal. The winner will take the deer, and the loser will leave the forest forever.”

The lion was enraged by the tiger’s words. He felt a surge of pride and anger in his heart. He wanted to teach the tiger a lesson and show him who was the boss. He accepted the challenge and said, “Very well, then. Let us fight and settle this matter once and for all. But before we do so, let us find a witness who will judge our duel and declare the winner. We need someone who is impartial and honest, who will not favor either of us.”

The tiger agreed and said, “That is fair enough. Let us look for a witness then. But who can we trust in this forest? Most of the animals are either afraid of you or loyal to you. They will not be fair to me. We need someone who is neutral and independent, who will not be influenced by your power or my strength.”

The lion and the tiger looked around and saw a monkey sitting on a tree. He was eating a banana and watching the scene with curiosity. He seemed to be unaware of the lion’s and the tiger’s presence. The lion and the tiger decided to ask him to be their witness. They approached him and said, “Hello, monkey. We have a request for you. We are going to have a fight over a deer, and we need you to be our witness. You have to watch our duel and declare the winner. Will you do that for us?”

The monkey was startled and scared. He knew that the lion and the tiger were dangerous and powerful animals. He did not want to get involved in their conflict. He said, “Oh, no, no, no. I cannot do that. I am just a simple and humble monkey. I do not know anything about fighting or judging. I do not want to offend either of you. Please leave me alone and find someone else.”

The lion and the tiger said, “Please, monkey. Do not be afraid. We will not harm you or force you. We just need your help. You are the only one who can do this for us. You are neutral and independent. You do not belong to any group or faction. You do not have any bias or prejudice. You are the perfect witness for our duel. Please agree to our request. It is a matter of honor and justice for us.”

The monkey was flattered and tempted. He thought that the lion and the tiger were praising him and respecting him. He felt a sense of importance and pride in his heart. He thought that he could use this opportunity to gain some fame and fortune. He said, “Well, if you insist, I will do it. But on one condition. You have to promise me that you will reward me for my service. You have to give me some of the deer’s meat after you finish your fight. Is that okay?”

brown monkey
Photo by Oleksandr P on

The lion and the tiger said, “Yes, yes, of course. We will give you some of the deer’s meat. That is a fair deal. Thank you, monkey. You are very kind and generous. Come with us then. Let us go to the clearing where we will have our duel. And remember, you have to be honest and impartial. You have to declare the winner based on the facts and the rules. You have to follow the principles of Dharma and karma.”

The monkey agreed and followed them. He was happy and excited. He thought that he had made a smart and profitable decision. He did not realize that he had made a grave and foolish mistake. He did not realize that he had put himself in a dangerous and tricky situation. He did not realize that he had betrayed his own Dharma and karma.

The lion and the tiger reached the clearing where they would have their duel. They marked their territories and prepared to fight. The monkey climbed a nearby tree and watched them from a safe distance. He held a banana in his hand and ate it slowly. He was not interested in the outcome of the fight. He was only interested in the reward of the meat. He did not care about the Dharma and karma of the lion and the tiger. He only cared about his own Dharma and karma.

The lion and the tiger roared and charged at each other. They clashed and fought with their claws and teeth. They scratched and bit each other with their fury and hatred. They tried to overpower and defeat each other with their strength and skill. They fought for a long time, without any sign of victory or defeat. They fought with equal force and courage, without any advantage or disadvantage. They fought with great passion and determination, without any fear or hesitation.

The monkey watched them and waited for the end of the fight. He hoped that they would finish soon and give him his reward. He did not care who would win or lose. He did not care who would live or die. He did not care who would follow or break their Dharma and karma. He only cared about his own Dharma and karma.

But as the fight continued, the monkey began to feel bored and restless. He wanted to have some fun and entertainment. He wanted to have some influence and control. He wanted to have some mischief and trouble. He decided to interfere in the fight and change the outcome. He decided to cheat and lie to the lion and the tiger. He decided to betray and mock their Dharma and karma. He decided to ruin and destroy his own Dharma and karma.

He shouted to the lion and the tiger, “Stop, stop, stop. I have something to tell you. I have seen who is the winner and who is the loser. I have seen who is the stronger and who is the weaker. I have seen who is the better and who is the worse. I have seen who has followed and who has broken their Dharma and karma. Do you want to know the truth? Do you want to know the verdict?”

The lion and the tiger stopped fighting and looked at the monkey. They were curious and eager to hear what he had to say. They said, “Yes, yes, yes. Tell us the truth. Tell us the verdict. Who is the winner and who is the loser? Who is the stronger and who is the weaker? Who is the better and who is the worse? Who has followed and who has broken their Dharma and karma?”

The monkey smiled and said, “Well, the truth is that you are both losers. You are both weak and bad. You have both broken your Dharma and karma. You have both wasted your time and energy. You have both fought for nothing and gained nothing. You have both lost the deer and the forest. You have both lost your honor and justice. You have both lost your dignity and respect. You have both lost your life and soul.”

The lion and the tiger were shocked and confused. They said, “What? What are you saying? How can that be? How can we both be losers? How can we both be weak and bad? How can we both have broken our Dharma and karma? How can we both have wasted our time and energy? How can we both have fought for nothing and gained nothing? How can we both have lost the deer and the forest? How can we both have lost our honor and justice? How can we both have lost our dignity and respect? How can we both have lost our life ?

The monkey said, “I will tell you how. You have both been fooled and tricked by me. You have both fallen into my trap and plan. You have both listened to my lies and cheats. You have both trusted me as your witness, but I was not a witness. I was a deceiver and a manipulator. I did not watch your duel and declare the winner. I interfered in your fight and changed the outcome. I did not tell you the truth and the verdict. I told you the opposite and the lie. I did not follow the principles of Dharma and karma. I followed the principles of fun and mischief.”

The lion and the tiger said, “What? What are you talking about? How did you fool and trick us? How did you fall us into your trap and plan? How did you lie and cheat to us? How did you interfere in our fight and change the outcome? How did you tell us the opposite and the lie? How did you not follow the principles of Dharma and karma? How did you follow the principles of fun and mischief?”

The monkey said, “It is very simple. I used my banana as a tool and a weapon. I used it to distract and confuse you. I used it to influence and control you. I used it to mock and insult you. I used it to ruin and destroy you. Do you remember the banana I was holding in my hand? Do you remember how I ate it slowly and calmly? Do you remember how I threw the peel on the ground? Do you remember how I shouted to you to stop fighting? Do you remember how I told you the truth and the verdict?”

The lion and the tiger said, “Yes, yes, yes. We remember all that. But what does that have to do with anything? How does that prove that you fooled and tricked us? How does that prove that you interfered in our fight and changed the outcome? How does that prove that you told us the opposite and the lie? How does that prove that you did not follow the principles of Dharma and karma? How does that prove that you followed the principles of fun and mischief?”

The monkey said, “It proves everything. Because the banana was not just a banana. It was a symbol and a sign. It was a measure and a scale. It was a judge and a jury. It was a witness and a verdict. It was the Dharma and the karma. It was the fun and the mischief. It was the truth and the lie. It was the life and the death. It was the everything and the nothing. Do you want to know how? Do you want to know why? Do you want to know what?”

The lion and the tiger said, “Yes, yes, yes. Tell us how. Tell us why. Tell us what. Explain yourself. Make yourself clear. Reveal your secret. Show your evidence. Give your reason. State your logic. Speak your mind. Open your mouth. Say your words. Tell us the truth. Tell us the verdict.”

The monkey said, “Very well, then. I will tell you the truth and the verdict. But be prepared. Because you will not like it. Because you will not believe it. Because you will not accept it. Because you will not understand it. Because you will not forgive it. Because you will not forget it. Because you will not escape it. Because you will not survive it. Because it is the end of you. Because it is the end of everything. Are you ready? Are you sure? Are you brave? Are you curious? Are you foolish? Are you stupid? Are you crazy? Are you insane? Are you suicidal? Are you ready to die?”

The lion and the tiger said, “Yes, yes, yes. We are ready. We are sure. We are brave. We are curious. We are not foolish. We are not stupid. We are not crazy. We are not insane. We are not suicidal. We are not ready to die. We are ready to live. We are ready to win. We are ready to fight. We are ready to kill. We are ready to eat. We are ready to feast. We are ready to enjoy. We are ready to celebrate. We are ready to rule. We are ready to reign. We are ready to be the king. We are ready to be the best. We are ready to be the winner. We are ready to be the Dharma and the karma. We are ready to be the everything and the nothing. Tell us the truth. Tell us the verdict.”

The monkey said, “Okay, okay, okay. I will tell you the truth and the verdict. But do not blame me. Because it is not my fault. Because it is your fault. Because you chose it. Because you made it. Because you did it. Because you deserve it. Because you asked for it. Because you begged for it. Because you wanted it. Because you got it. Here is the truth. Here is the verdict. Listen carefully. Pay attention. Focus. Concentrate. Understand. Realize. Accept. Believe. Know. Learn. Remember. The banana was the Dharma and the karma. The banana was the everything and the nothing. The banana was the life and the death. The banana was the truth and the verdict. The banana was the winner and the loser. The banana was the stronger and the weaker. The banana was the better and the worse. The banana was the follower and the breaker. The banana was the fun and the mischief. The banana was the opposite and the lie. The banana was the end of you. The banana was the end of everything. The banana was the banana. The banana was the banana. The banana was the banana. The banana was the banana. The banana was the banana. The banana was the banana. The banana was the banana. And continued the banana was the banana….

The lion and the tiger listened to the monkey’s words. They were stunned and speechless. They did not understand what he was saying. They did not understand what he meant. They did not understand what he did. They did not understand what he wanted. They did not understand what he achieved. They did not understand what he destroyed. They did not understand what he created. They did not understand the banana. They did not understand the Dharma and the karma. They did not understand the everything and the nothing. They did not understand the life and the death. They did not understand the truth and the verdict. They did not understand the fun and the mischief. They did not understand the opposite and the lie. They did not understand the end of them. They did not understand the end of everything. They did not understand the banana. They did not understand the banana. They did not understand the banana.

They looked at each other and saw their wounds and blood. They looked at the deer and saw its corpse and meat. They looked at the forest and saw its trees and flowers. They looked at the sky and saw its sun and clouds. They looked at the monkey and saw his smile and banana. They looked at themselves and saw their pride and anger. They looked at their Dharma and karma and saw their failure and loss. They looked at their everything and nothing and saw their nothing and nothing. They looked at their life and death and saw their death and death. They looked at their truth and verdict and saw their lie and lie. They looked at their fun and mischief and saw their pain and sorrow. They looked at their opposite and lie and saw their truth and truth. They looked at their end and end and saw their end and end. They looked at the banana and saw the banana. They looked at the banana and saw the banana. They looked at the banana and saw the banana.

They realized that they had been fooled and tricked by the monkey. They realized that they had fallen into his trap and plan. They realized that they had listened to his lies and cheats. They realized that he had interfered in their fight and changed the outcome. They realized that he had told them the opposite and the lie. They realized that he had not followed the principles of Dharma and karma. He had followed the principles of fun and mischief. They realized that he had ruined and destroyed their Dharma and karma. He had created his own Dharma and karma. They realized that he had betrayed and mocked their Dharma and karma. He had followed and fulfilled his Dharma and karma. They realized that he had made them lose their Dharma and karma. He had made them gain his Dharma and karma. They realized that he had made them lose their everything and nothing. He had made them gain his everything and nothing. They realized that he had made them lose their life and death. He had made them gain his life and death. They realized that he had made them lose their truth and verdict. He had made them gain his truth and verdict. They realized that he had made them lose their fun and mischief. He had made them gain his fun and mischief. They realized that he had made them lose their opposite and lie. He had made them gain his opposite and lie. They realized that he had made them lose their end and end. He had made them gain his end and end. They realized that he had made them lose the banana. He had made them gain the banana. They realized that he had made them lose the banana. He had made them gain the banana. They realized that he had made them lose the banana. He had made them gain the banana.

They felt a surge of regret and shame in their hearts. They wished that they had not fought over the deer. They wished that they had not challenged each other. They wished that they had not accepted the monkey’s offer. They wished that they had not trusted him as their witness. They wished that they had not listened to his words. They wished that they had not looked at his banana. They wished that they had followed their own Dharma and karma. They wished that they had ignored his Dharma and karma. They wished that they had kept their own everything and nothing. They wished that they had rejected his everything and nothing. They wished that they had lived their own life and death. They wished that they had avoided his life and death. They wished that they had known their own truth and verdict. They wished that they had denied his truth and verdict. They wished that they had enjoyed their own fun and mischief. They wished that they had escaped his fun and mischief. They wished that they had seen their own opposite and lie. They wished that they had exposed his opposite and lie. They wished that they had prevented their own end and end. They wished that they had survived his end and end. They wished that they had eaten the deer. They wished that they had eaten the monkey. They wished that they had eaten the banana. They wished that they had eaten the banana. They wished that they had eaten the banana.

But it was too late. They had made their choice. They had faced their consequence. They had lost their Dharma and karma. They had gained his Dharma and karma. They had lost their everything and nothing. They had gained his everything and nothing. They had lost their life and death. They had gained his life and death. They had lost their truth and verdict. They had gained his truth and verdict. They had lost their fun and mischief. They had gained his fun and mischief. They had lost their opposite and lie. They had gained his opposite and lie. They had lost their end and end. They had gained his end and end. They had lost the banana. They had gained the banana. They had lost the banana. They had gained the banana. They had lost the banana. They had gained the banana.

They collapsed and died. They became the nothing and nothing. They became the death and death. They became the lie and lie. They became the sorrow and sorrow. They became the truth and truth. They became the end and end. They became the banana. They became the banana. They became the banana.

The monkey watched them and laughed. He was happy and satisfied. He had achieved his goal and plan. He had fulfilled his Dharma and karma. He had created his everything and nothing. He had lived his life and death. He had known his truth and verdict. He had enjoyed his fun and mischief. He had seen his opposite and lie. He had survived his end and end. He had eaten the banana. He had eaten the banana. He had eaten the banana.

He climbed down from the tree and approached the deer. He tore off a piece of its meat and ate it. He approached the lion and the tiger. He tore off a piece of their meat and ate it. He approached the banana peel. He tore off a piece of it and ate it. He ate the deer. He ate the lion and the tiger. He ate the banana. He ate the banana. He ate the banana.

He became the Dharma and the karma. He became the everything and the nothing. He became the life and the death. He became the truth and the verdict. He became the fun and mischief. He became the opposite and the lie. He became the end and end. He became the banana. He became the banana. He became the banana.

He roared and roared. He roared like a lion. He roared like a tiger. He roared like a monkey. He roared like a deer. He roared like a banana. He roared like a banana. He roared like a banana.

He was the king of the jungle. He was the king of the Dharma and the karma. He was the king of the everything and the nothing. He was the king of the life and the death. He was the king of the truth and the verdict. He was the king of the fun and the mischief. He was the king of the opposite and the lie. He was the king of the end and end. He was the king of the banana. He was the king of the banana. He was the king of the banana.

He was the banana. He was the banana. He was the banana.

This is the end of the story. I hope you liked it. It is a story about Dharma and karma, and how they affect our choices and consequences. It is a story about the lion and the tiger, and how they fought for a deer and lost everything. It is a story about the monkey and the banana, and how they tricked and fooled them and gained everything. It is a story about the everything and the nothing, and how they are the same and different. It is a story about the life and the death, and how they are the beginning and the end. It is a story about the truth and the verdict, and how they are the fact and the lie. It is a story about the fun and the mischief, and how they are the joy and the sorrow. It is a story about the opposite and the lie, and how they are the truth and the truth. It is a story about the end and the end, and how they are the end and the end. It is a story about the banana and the banana, and how they are the banana and the banana.

It is a story for kids, but it is also a story for adults. It is a story that teaches us a lesson, but it is also a story that makes us think. It is a story that entertains us, but it is also a story that challenges us. It is a story that is simple, but it is also a story that is complex. It is a story that is clear, but it is also a story that is ambiguous. It is a story that is realistic, but it is also a story that is absurd.


The moral of the story is that we should always follow our own Dharma and karma, and not be influenced by others who may have different or opposite intentions. We should also be careful of whom we trust and what we believe, as some may deceive us and trick us for their own benefit. We should also be aware of the consequences of our actions, as they may affect not only ourselves, but also others and the world around us. We should also be humble and respectful, and not let pride and anger cloud our judgment and lead us to conflict and destruction. We should also be grateful and content, and not be greedy and selfish, as we may lose what we have and gain what we do not want. We should also be wise and discerning, and not be foolish and ignorant, as we may not understand the true nature of things and the hidden meaning of words. We should also be careful of the banana, as it may not be just a banana. It may be the Dharma and the karma. It may be the everything and the nothing. It may be the life and the death. It may be the truth and the verdict. It may be the fun and the mischief. It may be the opposite and the lie. It may be the end and the end. It may be the banana and the banana. It may be the banana.

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