stars in the galaxy,Niti Śastra+

The Enduring Wisdom of Niti Śastra in Sanatana Dharma: Ethical Teachings from Ancient Texts to Modern Applications


Identifying and Establishing Kulguru and Kuladevi in Sanatana Dharma: A Vedic and Upanishadic Perspective

Kulaguru The Integral Role of Kulaguru and Kuladevi in Sanatana Dharma: A Holistic Perspective on Individual, Societal, and Environmental Prosperity+

The Integral Role of Kulaguru and Kuladevi in Sanatana Dharma: A Holistic Perspective on Individual, Societal, and Environmental Prosperity

aerial photography of landscape with view of sunset+

The Concept and Understanding of Anumāṇa (Inference) in Sanatana Dharma

cute cat resting on smooth floor,Ahamkara+

Understanding Ahamkara (Ego and Attachment) in Sanatana Dharma

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